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Talking to Patients in Your Dental Office

A doctor talking to a patient

If you find yourself saying "any questions?" to your dental patients often enough, you will start to lose income. Many dentists are busy, and it's easy to get into the habit of speaking quickly and giving your patients rapid-fire information. At the end of the explanation, you say, "Any questions?" More often than not, your patient will say no but are still confused and frustrated.

Many dentists aren't always getting their patients to understand what procedure needs to be performed and why. Instead of asking yes or no questions, explain a procedure using a sketch or drawing, show and discuss the stages of deterioration of the dental disease, etc. 

It is during these explanations that your patients will feel like they can ask honest questions. In short, the more a dentist talks, the lower the case acceptance, but the more a patient talks, the higher the case acceptance.

The ability to communicate with your dental patients can be the difference between your business's success and failure. Effective communication also encompasses your website and marketing materials. Here at Pro Dental Designs, we can help you with the tools you need to build a successful dental practice!

Posted on Nov 9, 2020
Image Credit: File ID 148809855 | © Gpointstudio |
