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3 Signs it’s Time to Find a New SEO Provider

A diagram of content marketing

Have you outsourced your SEO (search engine optimization) to a third party only to find you’ve spent a bunch of money with no results? Are you nowhere to be found when prospective patients are looking for a dentist in your area? Are you beginning to suspect that SEO is too difficult to put into practice?

Before you decide to quit your SEO efforts for good, remember that Google is the number-one source of new patients for dental websites. And unless you’re paying for visibility on Google, optimizing your website for search engines is your only other option.

Signs that it’s Time to Find a New SEO Provider

If your dental SEO provider isn’t performing well, below are a few signs that it’s time to find a new one:

  1. They aren’t clear with you

This can be common with many SEO providers. For example, you ask them how they can improve your Google rankings and you’re hit some complicated jargon. Jargon can sometimes mask ignorance. There may be technical aspects of SEO, but if your SEO provider can’t be clear with you, he or she may be shady or inexperienced.

  1. They’re too focused on the short-term

If your SEO provider claims that you can reach the first page of Google within a set amount of time, they are violating Google’s guidelines, which states “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings [or] allege a ‘special relationship’ with Google.” SEO is more of a marathon than a sprint, a process that may take months to begin to see patient-producing results.

  1. They don’t integrate

No matter how well your SEO is being managed, your website still needs to be able to draw in new patients. This may not be the case if you’re with a provider who exclusively offers SEO. An integrated digital marketing solution is vital to new patient success. Is your content unique and persuasive? Does your website encourage visitors to learn more about your practice? Does your homepage captivate prospective patients? If not, you may need an SEO provider who can also help you with website design.

If your current SEO provider is falling short, it might be time to find a new one. Here at Pro Dental Designs, we offer SEO services as well as help with creating a website, brochures, logos, postcards, and much more! To learn more, please contact Pro Dental Designs today.

Posted on Feb 24, 2020
Image Credit: File ID 57434949 | © Cacaroot |
