When to Raise Your Dental Fees
Many dentists are uncomfortable discussing the prospect of raising their prices. If things are running smoothly and your patients are happy with the cost of care, it can be tempting to leave things the way they are because of the fear that clients will find a new dentist with cheaper prices.
However, not only is this not the case at all, it may actually have the opposite effect. Your patients understand how businesses run and they know that, as time goes on you will need to raise your prices. If your patients enjoy up-to-date equipment and procedures, price raises are an understandable way to achieve these things. You’ll find that your patients will be absolutely fine with spending $5-10 extra dollars per procedure if it means you can continue to provide the best in dental care.
How to Know If It’s Time for a Price Adjustment
Below are a few simple signs that it may be time to reevaluate your prices:
- If you have the lowest fees around – Having the lowest prices may seem like a good thing, but it may attract those who will only visit your office for a one-time procedure. These patients are unlikely to return for regular cleanings and exams. Because price often represents value, having the lowest fees will make it difficult to find long-term patients.
- Your fees are set randomly – Some dentists have prices that don’t quite make sense. For example, the feels for some procedures will be set to high while others are set too low. This lack of consistency has the potential to make your patients frustrated and confused.
- You haven’t done your research – Don’t make the mistake of setting dental fees without first discovering what the fees are of the other dentists in your area. A little bit of research can go a long way when you’re trying to determine what your fees should be.
- If you’re having trouble making ends meet – Lastly, the most obvious sign that your fees need to be adjusted is if you’re no longer able to make ends meet at your dental practice. Set some clear financial goals for your practice and adjust your fees to help you meet these goals.
As long as you provide excellent dental care and customer service, your patients will understand the need for a small fee increase. If you have questions about how to better market your dental business, please don’t hesitate to contact Pro Dental Designs today.
Posted on Feb 12, 2018
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